Search Results for Nonconformist

Mora Museum in Jersey City, NJ

The Mora Museum, formerly known as the Museum of Russian Art, is a cultural fixture of Jersey City, NJ.  It has a deep historical connection to the Nonconformist Movement in Russian art, and more recently has embraced contemporary movements such as those exemplified by artists like Elena Sarni, Leonid Lerman, Vasily Kafanov and Naum Medovoy. […]

Russian Protest Art that Isn’t Pussy Riot

When most think of Russian protest art today, they think immediately of Pussy Riot, the long-famous, all-female punk movement. These women have, since their “punk prayer” launched them to international notoriety, been heavily covered in the English-language press and heavily studied in English-language academia. However, Russian protest art is a diverse genre with a long […]

The Legacy of Unofficial Art in St. Petersburg: The Case of Pushkinkaya-10 Art Center

One must really have the desire to find the Pushkinskaya-10 Art Center if they are to visit it. Located in an otherwise inconspicuous courtyard off Ligovsky Prospect, it hides tucked behind the bright signs surrounding the Moskovsky railway station in downtown St. Petersburg, just a bit more visible than when its entrance was located around […]

Socialist Realism

Socialist Realism was the official artistic movement of the U.S.S.R. It was attached not only to the revolution but to the forward momentum of the communist ideology and Soviet apparatus. As an artistic movement it is still a controversial topic. It is also a difficult one, because so much is encompassed in the concept. At […]