Author: Elizabeth Rogers

Mora Museum in Jersey City, NJ

The Mora Museum, formerly known as the Museum of Russian Art, is a cultural fixture of Jersey City, NJ.  It has a deep historical connection to the Nonconformist Movement in Russian art, and more recently has embraced contemporary movements such as those exemplified by artists like Elena Sarni, Leonid Lerman, Vasily Kafanov and Naum Medovoy. […]

Seven Critically Acclaimed Modern Russian Artists

The following are six modern Russian artists who have left their mark on not only modern Russian art, but who are also known beyond Russia’s borders as well. Each has gathered critical acclaim and, as is always the case in the art world, at least some critical derision. Not all are ethnic Russians – but […]

Russian Protest Art that Isn’t Pussy Riot

When most think of Russian protest art today, they think immediately of Pussy Riot, the long-famous, all-female punk movement. These women have, since their “punk prayer” launched them to international notoriety, been heavily covered in the English-language press and heavily studied in English-language academia. However, Russian protest art is a diverse genre with a long […]

Mikhail Larionov

Michael Larionov was a major force in several Russian artistic movements of the early twentieth century, most notably the Primitivist, the Cubo-Futurist and the Rayonnist movements. His career went through various stages as he explored and overturned new corners of visual expression and the results shook the foundations of Russian art. Michael Larionov was born […]

Marina Gisich Gallery

The Marina Gisich Gallery began in 2000 as one of a small number of galleries bringing a contemplative, concept-driven artistic temperament to the Saint Petersburg art scene. The original artists displayed their works at Gisich to confront and change attitudes about art exhibitions. These artists included Kerim Ragimov, Vladimir Kustov, Evgenij Yufit, Marina Alexeeva, Petr […]

Natalia Goncharova

Natalia Goncharova, along with her colleague and companion Mikhail Larionov, led the charge in Russian Futurist painting, or Cubo-Futurism, in the early twentieth century. While her early work was heavily influenced by the French Post-Impressionists, she went on to help develop Primitivism, Rayonnism (specifically the brain-child of Larionov) and various Futurist theatrical experiments. When the […]

Mikhail Vrubel

Mikhail Vrubel’s importance in Russian art is now undisputed, but during his own lifetime he achieved little success. He was heavily criticized for his rough, unrealistic forms, decorative use of space and strange motifs. He was a Symbolist and an expressionist at a time when most artists still ascribed to the Realist tradition of the Wanderers. […]

Socialist Realism

Socialist Realism was the official artistic movement of the U.S.S.R. It was attached not only to the revolution but to the forward momentum of the communist ideology and Soviet apparatus. As an artistic movement it is still a controversial topic. It is also a difficult one, because so much is encompassed in the concept. At […]


The influence of French Decadent poetry on Russian literature and painting at the dawn of the 20th century– particularly Baudelaire’s Fleurs du Mal –resulted in morbid, taboo and demonic themes. The term “Decadent,” however, comes with a lot of baggage. The artists who embraced Decadent themes around the turn of the century to some degree […]

The Blue Rose

The Blue Rose artists represented the second wave of Symbolist painting in 20th century Russia. They followed on the heels of the World of Art, but the two groups differed in many stylistic and philosophical ways. The Blue Rose group was more strongly influenced by the French Symbolist painters and the Russian Symbolist writers, specifically […]

The World of Art

The World of Art wasn’t just an artistic movement. It was a collection of art critics, painters, sculptors, thespians and clothing designers. It had feet in haute-couture, architecture and book design. It was held together by magazines and exhibitions, connected by powerful and rich benefactors. It believed, as did many movements during the artistic explosion […]

From Russia With Art in Cambridge, MA

The From Russia With Art Gallery in Cambridge, Massachusetts opened in August of 2010. Though it has recently closed its physical doors, it maintains an internet presence and plans to feature moving exhibitions. The museum in this way continues on much as before,  selling and building knowledge of contemporary Russian-American art. The museum proprietors, Jerry […]

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