Four Tales of Horror from Russian Literature

Russian language literature is not best known for tales of horror or the supernatural. However, it does have some striking examples in the genre. The most successful are often short stories and, rather than using shock tactics, use ghosts, monsters, or witches to reflect the guilt or inadequacies of those that they visit. Below, we […]

Russian Icons in Detail from The Icon Museum

Russian icons are religious paintings that have been created and used in the Orthodox Christian tradition for centuries. They are an important part of Russian art and culture, and are recognized for their distinctive style and spiritual significance. Icons typically depict religious figures, such as Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and saints, and are intended […]

Immorality and “General Hypnotism” in Chekhov’s “Gooseberries” 

In Anton Chekhov’s short story “Gooseberries,” the societal diagnosis of general hypnotism is developed through carefully manipulated and positioned detail. This general hypnotism is defined as when a person is happy only because they have apparently been blinded to the suffering of others. As the character Nikolay Ivanovitch becomes consumed by his desire for wealth […]

Tretyakov Gallery: A Russian Classic in Moscow

The Tretyakov Art Museum in Moscow houses an extensive and significant collection of Russian fine art, showcasing masterpieces from the 11th to the 20th centuries. The museum provides a deep dive into Russian culture and history through its vast array of paintings, icons, and sculptures, including works by renowned artists like Andrei Rublev, Ilya Repin, […]

Ilya Repin’s Life, Works, Legacy and House Museum

Ilya Repin stands as a giant in the history of Russian art. This biography explores his life, remarkable career, and his currently legacy. We’ll highlight his artistic evolution and the movements he shaped. We’ll also discuss some of Repin’s most acclaimed works and his time spent with other artistic luminaries such as Leo Tolstoy. Finally, […]

How to Start Studying Russian and Soviet Art and Architecture

“If a student came to you and said that they were interested in Russian or Soviet art but were unsure where to start exploring it further, what books and authors would you recommend?” This question was asked by SRAS Intern Taryn Jones of Elena Varshavskaya, who for many years taught art history at the Rhode […]

Nadezhda Khvoshchinskaya – A Forgotten Great of Russian Literature

Nadezhda Khvoshchinskaya became a prolific and widely popular author in early 19th century Russia. Her most famous novels reflect on the stylistic staples of 19th century Russian literature, focusing on women’s issues and other social problems through the lens of realism. Despite her fame and success, Nadezhda Khvoshchinskaya has largely been forgotten in the study […]

Boris Ryzhii, Russia’s Bandit Poet of the 90s

No other Russian poet of the 90s stands out like Boris Ryzhii. He received some of Russia’s highest literary honors, including honorable mention for the Anti-Booker Prize, and, after his early death, the Northern Palmyra. Composed amidst the chaos and crime of perestroika, his poems stand like opponents in a boxing ring, where ugliness and […]

The Wanderers: An Early Revolution in Russian Art

The Peredvizhniki, or the Wanderers, were a movement of Russian Realism born from the Imperial Academy of Arts in 1863. Under the rule of Alexander II, Russia was struggling through a series of liberal reforms that were part of a greater humanitarian movement. The emancipation of the serfs in 1861 deconstructed much of the social […]

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