Author: Josh Wilson

Susanna Weygandt: GITIS Attendee

Susanna Weygandt is an acting student at Bryn Mawr College who is studying currently at GITIS. SRAS: Introduce yourself to us, what is your background and what are your future plans? Susanna: I started taking Russian at Bryn Mawr College in fall of 2002. I studied one summer in Vladimir with another program after my […]

Amanda Rae Jones: MXAT American Studio Graduate

Amanda Rae Jones is a graduate of the “American Studio” acting program offered through the Moscow Art Theater (MXAT). The program remains prestigious even after almost a century of existence. The Theater itself was home to Konstantin Stanislavski, whose theories of acting, the first in their time to fully integrate psychology and social sciences into […]

The Strange Enforcement of Socialist Realism: Soviet Theater 1917-1960 [Excerpt]

The following is an excerpt from a longer thesis. To access the full thesis in PDF, click here. Chapter I presented a practical definition of Socialist Realism: a dramatic genre emphasizing Marxist historicism, realistic presentation, populism, and which supports the Communist Party in its goals. Defining Socialist Realism is difficult because the Soviet government never […]

‘What is Comedy Without Truth and Fury?’: The Government Inspector in Text and Presentation 1836 – 1938

It has been said that Gogol’s career was like that of a meteor. It appears suddenly, burns brightly, fades quickly, and with its impact, changes the surrounding landscape and environment forever.[1] It is interesting that Gogol’s greatest play, The Government Inspector, was described with a similar power-type metaphor. Nabokov wrote, “(it) begins with a blinding flash […]

John Freedman: Man of the Newspaper, Theater, etc

John Freedman first came to Moscow in 1988 to research his dissertation for a Ph.D in Russian Literature. He found out a lot. He also found a woman he loves and some incredible professional and personal opportunities. He is now an editor for Moscow’s largest English-language newspaper, a published author and translator, and has been […]

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