Author: Alex Misbach

Peterhof: A Museum of Tsarist Splender Outside St. Petersburg

The Tsars had several summer palaces outside St Petersburg. Peterhof is perhaps the most famous now, and is one of the best maintained and oft-visited. It is one of Russia’s unqiue museum reserves, a whole estate that has been turned into a museum with protected The following are two experiences that SRAS students have had […]

Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theater in Vladivostok

Apart from the Golden Bridge (Золотой мост) and Russian Bridge (Русский мост), the Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theater in Vladivostok is without a doubt one of the more impressive structures built in preparation for the 2012 APEC summit in Vladivostok. Crossing the Golden Bridge going away from the city center, the theater comes into […]

The House-Museum of Sukhanov in Vladivostok

Like any good traveler, after booking my flight to Vladivostok, I set off to the library to do a little bit of research on the city in which I was about to spend the next nine months. Not expecting to find much, I was yet still underwhelmed. My university’s library database turned up a small […]