
Contrasting Narratives at the Museum of the History of Georgian Medicine

Two visitors had two very different experiences at the same museum – visiting just days apart. The Museum of the History of Georgian Medicine examines Georgia’s long history through the context of medicinal practices. Along the way, we learn quite a lot of Georgia’s identity and even genetic makeup. This particular museum is unique in […]

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Stalin Museum in Gori, Georgia

Russian Icons in Detail from The Icon Museum


Ilya Repin’s Life, Works, Legacy and House Museum

Ilya Repin stands as a giant in the history of Russian art. This biography explores his life, remarkable career, and his currently legacy. We’ll highlight his artistic evolution and the movements he shaped. We’ll also discuss some of Repin’s most acclaimed works and his time spent with other artistic luminaries such as Leo Tolstoy. Finally, […]

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How to Start Studying Russian and Soviet Art and Architecture

Nukus Museum in Uzbekistan: Lysenko, Savitsky, and Preserving the Soviet Avant-Garde


Bookstores in Tbilisi, Georgia

As an avid reader and introvert, who often prefers a cozy bookstore to bars, I set out to explore three recommended ex-pat bookstores in Tbilisi. Places like Prospero’s, Auditoria, and On the Same Page all cater to Anglophone and/or Russophone readers. I found that these three stores varied widely in terms of ambience and selections, […]

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Immorality and “General Hypnotism” in Chekhov’s “Gooseberries” 

Nadezhda Khvoshchinskaya – A Forgotten Great of Russian Literature


The Armenian National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet

In the heart of Armenia’s capital city Yerevan, stands the Armenian National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet and the Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall, simply known as “The Opera” by locals. Built in the early twentieth century, this cultural hub showcases a blend of traditional Armenian architecture and contemporary design representative of its diverse repertoire. […]

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The Opera and Ballet Theater of Tbilisi

Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theater