Author: SRAS Wiki

Bookstores in Tbilisi, Georgia

As an avid reader and introvert, who often prefers a cozy bookstore to bars, I set out to explore three recommended ex-pat bookstores in Tbilisi. Places like Prospero’s, Auditoria, and On the Same Page all cater to Anglophone and/or Russophone readers. I found that these three stores varied widely in terms of ambience and selections, […]

Fortress of Gonio: Georgia’s Roman Heritage

The Fortress of Gonio, located in Adjara, Georgia, is an ancient Roman fortification dating back to the 1st century AD. A strategic point along the Black Sea coast, over the centuries, it was expanded and fortified by the Byzantines and Ottomans. Today, the well-preserved remains of Gonio Fortress stand as an important cultural and archaeological […]

Latvian National Museum of Art

The Latvian National Museum of Art is one of Riga’s oldest and best known art museums. Its permanent collections focus specifically on Latvia’s own national artists and on telling the story of the development of art in Latvia. It also rotates temporary exhibitions that can introduce you to even more striking and more recent Latvian […]

Guide to Kyiv’s Top Museums

Kyiv is one of Eastern Europe’s oldest and biggest cities. It is where Christianity first became an official part of Slavic culture and it was the first great Slavic capital. Although the city has continued to lay claim to great achievements in history, art, science, and literature, it has for many centuries sat in Moscow’s […]

Guide to Irkutsk’s Top Museums

Irkutsk, far from Moscow at the other end of the vast Russian empire, was once a major exile destination for dissident aristocrats and intellectuals. Because of this, it grew into a center of culture and learning to all of Siberia and also became a focal point for early transport and communication infrastructure efforts that sought […]

Guide to Bishkek’s Top Museums

The Kyrgyz were largely a nomadic civilization up until the 20th century. It should be no surprise, then, that many of Kyrgyzstan’s greatest museums are outside and/or in rural areas. The city of Bishkek also has a number of more traditional museums, mostly established during (and today often unchanged from) Soviet times, including a number […]

Guide to Vladivostok’s Top Museums

Vladivostok has a fascinating history and culture. To present this, it shares in Russia’s strong museum tradition, with many well-curated museums throughout the city. The city has long been a naval and trading port and thus has many museums specifically dedicated to this heritage. However, it also has a surprising number of art galleries and […]

Guide to St Petersburg’s Top Museums

St Petersburg is the center of Russia’s rich museum tradition. Museums here are as pletiful as they are diverse. Art, history, literature, music, and science – all things that Russia is known for – can be found in St. Petersburg’s museums – and often with several subjects presented at once. The famously ecclectic Kuntskamera, for […]

Guide to Moscow’s Top Museums

“What should I see in Moscow?” is a question we hear often – and one that entirely depends on your interests. Moscow is vast with an astonishing number of museums and galleries. The guide below lists a few of the major museums and galleries based on what the interest they would appeal to. See our […]