Author: Sophia Rehm

Tretyakov Gallery: A Russian Classic in Moscow

The Tretyakov Art Museum in Moscow houses an extensive and significant collection of Russian fine art, showcasing masterpieces from the 11th to the 20th centuries. The museum provides a deep dive into Russian culture and history through its vast array of paintings, icons, and sculptures, including works by renowned artists like Andrei Rublev, Ilya Repin, […]

Semyon Chuikov, Founder of Kyrgyz Painting: His Life and House Museum in Bishkek

The Faces of Kyrgyzstan is a project of the popular Russian-language website based in Kyrgyzstan. The project presents those natives of Kyrgyzstan which have helped form the current country and especially its modern culture. The profiles are presented on in Russian. Translation was performed by Sophia Rehm, a SRAS Home and Abroad Scholar […]

Bulgakov’s Moscow: His House Museum and Other Sites to Explore

Many places in The Master and Margarita, Bulgakov’s cult-classic literary masterpiece, are real places (or based off real places) in Moscow. Furthermore, as Bulgakov lived and died in Moscow, there are many places to visit that are otherwise connected to the author’s life and work. For any Bulgakov fan, a visit to Moscow will not […]

Moscow’s Seven Sisters – A Short History of Stalin’s Skyscrapers

Moscow’s skyline is largely defined by the seven towering skyscrapers nicknamed “The Seven Sisters.” Also known locally as “Stalinskie Vysotki” (Сталинские высотки – Stalin’s Highrises), they are one of the leading architectural legacies of the Stalinist period. The Soviet Baroque architecture that The Sisters embody is seen by some as unattractive; the buildings themselves are […]

Supara Ethno-Complex, Bishkek

Supara Ethno-Complex/Супара Этно-Комплекс 1a Karagul Akmata Str., Kok-Jar village Meals from 340 som Супара Этно-Комплекс (Supara Ethno-Complex) on the scenic outskirts of Bishkek, was developed over the past several years by Tabyldy Egemberdiev, president of the enormously popular Шоро (Shoro) Company, which produces traditional Kyrgyz drinks, among other things. Egemberdiev’s wife, Janyl, was a […]

Eva Dagaz: A Young Artist in Kyrgyzstan

The editors of Limon.KG, a popular Kyrgyz news and culture site, visited the cozy studio of Eva Dagaz, an artisan in Kyrgyzstan who works with leather and creates original works. The following article and pictures were originally published in Russian at Limon.KG. Translation was performed by Sophia Rehm, a SRAS Home and Abroad Scholar studying […]

Vladimir Manyuhin – Modern Graphic Design

The following statement from artist Vladimir Manyuhin about his work was published in Russian on, the site of the game Survarium for which Manyuhin creates illustrations. Translation was performed by Sophia Rehm, a SRAS Home and Abroad Scholar studying in Bishkek. The work of artist Vladimir Manyuhin is well known to all post-apocalyptic genre […]

Bishkek in the Eyes of Artists

The following project was initiated and published by Enot, a Russian-language online publication about local culture, business, food, shops, events, and people in Bishkek that has been popular with SRAS students studying there. Translation was performed by Sophia Rehm, a SRAS Home and Abroad Scholar studying in Bishkek. In the spirit of experimentation, Enot approached […]

Bishkek Walking Tour

New SRAS students at the London School in Bishkek are introduced to the city and some of its major landmarks on a walking tour shortly after arrival. I took this tour on the afternoon of my first day here at the end of August. It was hot, the streets were busy, and little stands along […]

Meros Silk Paper Factory in Samarkand

The Meros Silk Paper Factory was one of the last stops on this November’s trip from Bishkek to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, organized by SRAS and The London School of Bishkek as part of the Central Asian Studies study abroad program. Just outside Samarkand, Uzbekistan, the factory was built little over a decade ago, but it […]

Ata-Beyit Memorial Complex in Chong-Tash

Ata-Beyit/Ата-бейит Day Trip from Bishkek Ата-бейит (Ata-Beyit, Kyrgyz for “Grave of Our Fathers”) is a memorial complex located in Chong-Tash, a village and skiing destination in the Chui Province about 15 miles south of Bishkek. The site honors two dark episodes in Kyrgyzstan’s history: mass murders that occurred in 1938 at the hands of the […]

10 Contemporary Russian Painters Worth a Look

Levitan, Shishkin, and Aivazovsky, among many others, are names known to every well-educated person in Russia and abroad. These artists are Russia’s pride. Today, too, there is no shortage of talented contemporary Russian painters. Their names are just not yet so widely known., a Russian site dedicated to Russian popular culture and advertising in […]

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