Guide to Kyiv’s Top Museums

Kyiv is one of Eastern Europe’s oldest and biggest cities. It is where Christianity first became an official part of Slavic culture and it was the first great Slavic capital. Although the city has continued to lay claim to great achievements in history, art, science, and literature, it has for many centuries sat in Moscow’s […]

National Art Museum of Ukraine in Kyiv

The National Art Museum is Kyiv’s oldest museum. It opened its first exhibition in 1899 and today displays a plethora of art across eras and styles, making it a crown jewel in a city that is now filled with museums, galleries, and independent art spaces. It continues its operation with funding from the state, donors, […]

Analog Photography Culture in Kyiv

With the arrival of pervasive digital photography, analogue camera production has dropped precipitously. While easily-editable high-resolution pictures can now be taken with your smart phone’s digital sensors, high-quality analogue photography uses often bulky equipment to take photos that might be treasured or trash based on how their intricate chemical and mechanical processes play out. However, […]

National Chernobyl Museum in Kyiv, Ukraine

The Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986 is memorialized in a small but powerful Chernobyl Museum in central Kyiv. Students on SRAS study abroad programs in Kyiv are often taken there as part of their cultural package as the tragedy remains fresh in Ukrainian memories and continues to be a important part of local history and […]

Museum of Partisan Glory in Odessa, Ukraine

Tour of the Odessa Catacombs Travel and excursion included in PCON program, Fall 2017 When I found out that our class was planning a trip to Odessa, Ukraine, I instantly pictured gorgeous architecture, quaint streets, and relaxing beaches. While Odessa possesses all of these characteristics, there were two other factors that drew my attention the […]

Mezhyhirya Residence Museum in Kyiv

During the 2014 Euromaidan Revolution, former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was forced to flee Ukraine and seek asylum in Russia (asylum was later officially granted by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2016). When Yanukovych fled Ukraine, he left behind luxurious Mezhyhirya Residence, a place Yanukovych called home for twelve years. Following Yanukovych’s departure, the Mezhyhirya […]

Podil District in Kyiv

Podil: Persons, places, and things from my favorite district in Kyiv Free and always open Month of April, 2017 Photojournalism by Rebekah Welch Podil, podil, podil. If you ever go to Kyiv, all the Ukrainians you meet will tell you that you have to go to Podil. Once, a particularly pompous Russian professor even went […]

Andrievskii Descent in Kyiv

Andrievskii Descent at Sunset  A Walk through one of my favorite stretches of Kyiv Free and always open  Month of March, 2017 Photojournalism by Rebekah Welch There are many persons, places, and things I love about Kyiv, but undoubtedly, there is one place pretty much everyone agrees is one of the most breathtakingly beautiful spots […]

Tarasa Shevchenko Park

Not unlike in any northern city that spends its winters under cloud cover, devoid of blue skies, sunlight, and Vitamin D for several months, the Spring in Kyiv is a magical time. People emerge from their homes, offices, and the cafe-bars where they’ve been hiding in mass numbers, desperate to soak in the precious rays […]

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